EP. 19: A Discussion About “Cuties” (feat. Author Soniah Kamal)

Netflix's latest release, French film Mignonnes (or Cuties in English) by Maïmouna Doucouré, has everyone talking about it—but not in a positive light. With posters and trailers depicting preteen girls dancing lewdly to inappropriate music and wearing provocative clothing, this film has enraged quite a number of people, from Netflix users to state representatives, some even calling for the platform to be cancelled. However, there is more to this film than what's shown at face value, which is why Farheen decided to sit down and talk about it, along with some special guests: Soniah Kamal, author of the acclaimed novel Unmarriageable, and Sumana Syed, a first-year film student and production manager of Authentic & Unfiltered.

Featuring: Soniah Kamal (@soniahkamal) and Sumana Syed (@sumana.f.syed)


EP. 20: Angry Black Woman (featuring storyteller Sydney Plant)


EP. 18: Motivator (feat. Life Coach Nida Jawed)